YOU WILL NO LONGER NEED TO CALL-IN to reserve a space for Mass. Seating will be "first come-first seated" until all available spaces are filled. Every attempt will be made to safely seat everyone.
Bishop Libasci wishes to make the resumption of the Eucharist as safe as possible for everyone under these unusual and difficult circumstances. The protocols we have put in place continue to follow the guidelines provided by the state and the diocese. The emphasis is on safety, social distancing and sanitization. To provide as safe and clean an environment as possible, we ask those coming to Mass to observe the following:
Parishioners must wear masks from the moment they leave their car until they return. Masks will be provided for those without. Hand sanitizer will be distributed as you enter the gathering space. Ushers will then accompany worshipers to one of the available places marked in the church. To avoid contact with others, seating will begin at the front of the church and continue to the back. Hymnals have been removed from the churches, and there will be no congregational singing.
Communion will now be distributed during Mass, so please watch for the Ushers, who will guide and direct you so that you may receive in a safe and orderly manner. The church will be sanitized immediately after each Mass.
We are committed to following these protocols for the safety of our parish community, our liturgical ministers, and our clergy. Parishioners who are not able or who are unwilling to follow these guidelines will be asked by ushers to please leave.
For those who do not plan to to come to Mass, we will continue to livestream ALL of the weekend and daily Masses from our Mary Queen of Peace Church campus.
May God grace us with the virtues of patience and understanding as we continue to resume our life as a parish community and celebrate our identity as the people of God.