Thank you for allowing the World Apostolate of Fatima, Manchester Diocesan Division, Inc. to bring the "Celebration of the Miracle of the Sun" to St Joseph Church in Salem, on Saturday October 14th 2023. The event was very well attended. Your help in making this event was most appreciated. The Knights of Columbus who led into the church the Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with you was so moving. Pauline, the cantor, and her son Christian, who played the organ, were spectacular. After the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, you gave a talk on Fatima and the Rosary. Your pointing out another way a Rosary can be recited, as our Spiritual Director, was so powerful. The installation of the Brown Scapular and the presentation of the Fatima Membership Pins were joyfully received. After Reposing the Blessed Sacrament, you led the Rosary procession through the church and into the parking lot to Julie Hall. The event ended with the showing of the beautiful movie “The Miracle of the Sun” while enjoying the great food waiting for all. Finally, the Beautiful Icon of the Holy Family was raffled and graciously received. It was a wonderful event all around.
Respectfully submitted; Carolyn Scanlon, President World Apostolate of Fatima Manchester Diocesan Division, Inc"