these are far from ordinary times because these are the times in which we live our lives, enjoy our successes and endure our sufferings. These are our times. They were also the times of Jesus. Jesus spent the majority of his life in Nazareth growing in strength and wisdom in a town that was not quite the hub of the universe. He prepared himself for a few short years of public life by living day by day in his village, listening to his mother and father and doing what we too are asked to do, what is given to us to do. These are really not ordinary times but extraordinary moments and years of life when we prepare for our own passion and resurrection. It is in these ordinary times that we meet extraordinary people, see and hear of beautiful acts of courage and kindness, noticing all the while that there is evil in the world but an evil that will be conquered by love, always by love and always conquered. This is the world that Jesus lived in and blessed by living the same ordinary life as we do and living it gracefully. So, cherish your years of ordinary times, love those who are dear to you, help those who are in need, and reach out your hands in love to your enemies. Then your ordinary life will be extraordinary. Then your life will make up what is lacking in the life of Jesus. Then you are blessed.