With Guest Speaker:
Mrs. Wendy McGrath
Director of Canonical Services and Tribunal
Diocese of Manchester NH
WHEN: Saturday, Feb 8th from 9:30 to Noon. Includes lunch. WHERE: Immaculate Conception Parish, 216 E.Dunstable Road, Nashua, NH COST: Free
Come find more about…
• What is an annulment?
• What is the difference between and annulment and a divorce?
• Why do I need an annulment if my former spouse was not Catholic?
What if we were not married in the Catholic Church?
• Why should I get an annulment?
• What is the annulment process?
• How long does an annulment take?
• How much does an annulment cost?
• What are the changes that Pope Francis made to annulments?
• Can I get remarried in the Catholic Church following an annulment?
What if I am married outside of the Catholic Church?
• Opportunity to ask Questions and Answers
Concludes at 11:45 am with a healing prayer service, followed by Lunch. Please call the main office of Immaculate Conception Parish at 603-888-0321 to preregister for lunch or for more information.
Fr. Paul Montminy will be available throughout the morning to talk with
people and to help them take steps toward healing through annulment