KAY'S KIDS DONATIONS, 1-23-2025: Thank you very much for your generous donations and continued support of the Kay's Kids Ministry. Your gifts have most recently been used to purchase winter boots and snow pants for the children who are eligible through the End 68 Hours of Hunger program in Salem. THANK YOU!!! Kay's Kids works in conjunction with the Town of Salem School Administration Unit (SAU 57) to enhance and expand the "End 68 Hours of Hunger" program that was established in Salem in 2014. The current program provides "shelf-stable" food to 120 children in 60 families in Salem who are food-insecure and in need of other necessities.
Kay Barretto was brought home by Jesus to the Father in June of 2023. Although she had the face of an angel, she had the heart, courage, and determination of a lioness. Kay recognized that the little ones in the "End 68" program were in need of far more than just food, and followed the path made straight by God to broaden the scope of the program using other heavenly means. Here are the initiatives that Kay and her friends have brought about as an instrument of God's love for his children:
-Gloves and Hats: our latest endeavor with our friend and brother, Mark Grams. (Winter of 2025) --Birthday Kits: every child should feel special on their birthday, so Kay filled cake pans with every ingredient needed to bake a cake, including frosting and candles, all wrapped with a beautiful ribbon and bow. (And now her friends seem to be adding some special additions from their own pocket)! --Sneakers: many children look forward to showing-off their new footwear when they return in the Fall for the new school year. Kay wanted the needy kids to have new, name-brand trendy sneakers like all the other children. --Coats for Kids: everyone wants to keep warm in the long New England winters. Kay worked with the very generous local Knights of Columbus chapter, who were already providing new adult winter coats, and they have expanded the program to include new winter coats for kids. --Snow Pants and Snow Boots: at school, only kids with snow pants and boots are allowed to go outside and play during recess. Kay wanted all children to be able to share in the fun of recess, so we now supply new snow pants and boots for those in need. And now we've adding hats and gloves and socks! --Sunscreen/Bug Spray/Summer Toys: Kay wanted all children to be able to have fun during summer vacation, so we provide sunscreen for a beach day or just running under the sprinkler, bug spray for a nice walk thru the woods or the local park, and frisbees, bubble-soap, and sidewalk chalk to help pass the long summer days. --Fresh Fruit: once-a-month on Fridays, we are sending the kids back home with sweet, healthy treats like apples and oranges. --Socks: LOTS of socks! All new, all seasons, thousands of socks--but no "holy" socks! (Winter of 2024, with Mark Grams)
"What you did for the little ones, you also did for me." Matthew 25:40
We hope that you will consider helping the parish to continue Kay's work by contributing your time, talent, or treasure to Kay's Kids. You may call the office at 603-893-8661 or email us at [email protected]if you would like to help by volunteering your time or talents or treasure. To contribute by check, please make payable to Saints Mary and Joseph Parish with "Kay's Kids" in the memo line. To contact us or to give electronically, please click on the appropriate link below:
FAQ #1: I have some time, but what would I be asked to do? 1). help assemble birthday kits, or help to organize sneakers, snowsuits, boots, sunscreen, etc. 2). stock shelves, break-down boxes, deliver groceries or clothing items.
FAQ #2: I have no spare time, but I'd like to contribute monetarily. How can I do this? 1). write a check to Saints Mary and Joseph Parish with "Kay's Kids" in the memo line. 2). bring a cash contribution to the office or give to one of the Mass Coordinators before/after mass. 3). click the "treasure" link below and scroll down in the dropdown list to "Kay's Kids"