Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist in distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful at Liturgies, and may also bring Holy Communion to persons unable to attend Liturgy due to illness or infirmity. Candidates for Eucharistic Ministry must be members of the parish community who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, have received training in this ministry, and be approved by the Bishop of the Manchester Diocese.
We are the blest bearers of the living Body and Blood of Christ to our brothers and sisters, acknowledging the holiness of all communicants.
For more information about either the St. Joseph campus or the Mary Queen of Peace campus please contact the Parish Office 603-893-8661.
Lectors have the vital role of proclaiming the Word of God so that it comes alive for our Church assembly. What better way to fulfill Jesus’ command to spread the Good News? Even if you are normally nervous in front of people in public, the Spirit of God will carry you through if you are willing, so step out in faith and sign up for this exciting ministry!
For more information about lectoring at either the St. Joseph or the Mary Queen of Peace campuses please contact the Parish Office 603-893-8661.
Ushers are the official hosts of our parish community for weekend masses and liturgical events. Ushers welcome people as they enter church, answer questions, and facilitate movement at the time of communion to maintain a prayerful atmosphere. Greeters welcome people as they enter church for weekend masses, and act as a sign of the mutual appreciation we feel for one another as we gather to worship our Lord through the Eucharist. The ministries of Usher and Greeter are open to men, women, and youth (high school juniors and above).
For more information about serving at either the St. Joseph or the Mary Queen of Peace campuses please contact the Parish Office at 603-893-8661.
This very special youth ministry known as the Altar Servers ministry, welcomes boys and girls of all ages--the only requirement being that one has received the sacrament of First Holy Communion. Altar servers assist the priest presiding at Mass, specifically during preparation for the sacrament of Holy Communion, where the bread and wine are transformed into Jesus’ body and blood. A special role for our special youth! The time commitment is only one mass per month.
For more information about serving at either the St. Joseph or the Mary Queen of Peace campuses please contact Ellen Corning at 603-440-5528 or [email protected]
Saints Mary & Joseph Parish continues to serve the patients at the Northeast Rehab with a weekly Sunday Eucharistic Service held on site. The patients, their families and even the staff look forward to this opportunity to share God’s love in a small community setting when they are away from their normal place of worship. If you are interested in being a part of this rewarding outreach opportunity, please contact Diane Cormier at [email protected]