Are You A Parishioner?? Sometimes, because we attend mass here and participate in different ministries, we assume that we are parishioners. Or, because we have received some of the sacraments here we assume that we are automatically made a parishioner. That is a very common assumption. After all, why wouldn’t we be considered a parishioner? Of course, we welcome everyone into our community! But, if you are not receiving mail from the parish, or envelopes (if that is how you choose to donate to God), then you are probably not registered as a parishioner. If not, just fill out a parish registration form and make it official! The process is simple: you provide us with some basic information about yourself and your family, like name(s), address, contact information and whether or not you want to use envelopes or donate online.
CLICK HERE to fill out a form, or fill out a paper form and put it in the offertory or bring it to the office. Becoming a parishioner makes it easier for us to identify you and family members as a member of our parish community. There are many benefits for you when you register in a parish. In addition to us having information in case of an emergency, other parishes ask for verification if you are asked to become a godparent or confirmation sponsor. It also helps if you are applying for awards or scholarships, or in obtaining year-end charitable contribution summaries for tax-deduction purposes. If you are not sure whether you are registered, please call the parish office (603-893-8661) and we will verify your status for you--and thank you for helping to build the Kingdom of God!