First, my thanks go to God for making it possible to serve the Parish Community of Saints Mary and Joseph in Salem, NH. My thanks also to Bishop Peter Libasci for the opportunity and the privilege he granted me to serve in his diocese. My thanks to the Deacons, the Parish Staff, Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Liturgy Committee, the musicians, the Mass coordinators, the media team, Slice of the Pie Committee, Comedy Committee, HarvestFest Committee, and all of the organizations I cannot mention by name for your love and dedication to our parish. My special thanks to All My Parishioners for your support, love, and sacrifice to our parish. With you all, we have built a Family of God. So sad that we cannot say our goodbyes as we would love-to because of COVID-19, but know that you remain my friends no matter what. Missing You All. Please extend your support even more to Fr. Marc Montminy, a great priest of the diocese of Manchester.
Here is my contact information:
Saints Anne and Augustine Parish
383 Beech Street
Manchester, NH 03103
Know that this is my temporary assignment. If there are any changes I will communicate them to you. My email remains the same:
[email protected]