The "Invite Christ Into Christmas" Concert that was held at Mary Queen of Peace Church on Sunday, Jan 1st was a huge success. The extraordinarily talented Marie-Line Morin (of Ms. America fame-- Winner, 2020 Talent Contest), and her accompanying pianist, our very own Chris Lacey, performed flawlesslessly, as expected, and as the Lord's instruments of love. Our parish is extremely blessed to have Marie-Line and Chris in its community of disciples, and would like to give special thanks to Marie-Line for envisioning and organizing the entire event, which raised nearly $3000.00 for the Listening Ministry project, 100% of which is utilized in the formation and implementation of this new initiatiive.
From Marie-Line Morin:
"I would like to express my deepest thanks to Saints Mary and Joseph Parish for hosting the Christmas Concert....The total amount received from donations and CD sales was $2869.00. Please let everyone know of my deepest gratitude. A special "thanks" to Msgr. Marc for his support in every step along the way, to Maryanne Murach for the announcements and bulletin inserts, to Joseph Flaherty of St Matthew Church for all the graphics work, to Chris Lacey for accepting to be the pianist and for all the extra practice time needed, to Tom Garnier and Steven Barretto for their technical assistance with audio and video matters. Also a very warm thank you to all the members of Saints Mary and Joseph Parish who helped with the promotion, and to all those who supported the cause in silent prayer or otherwise--it is greatly appreciated."