Over 31 years ago I stepped into the halls of Nar-Anon, a 12 Step group for families, friends and all who care for addicts. I never left and it saved my life. I had to completely change the things I was doing as many were enabling traits. I did not know what that meant until I learned it was just nurturing going out of balance. With an addict that is something that could contribute to his/her addiction advancing. At the time I thought it was helpful, but it was not. It actually helped feed the addiction in someone I cared about.
I always had God on my side but truly did not feel Him at the time, nor did I know His will for me and my family. Hope was gone and I thought it would always be. Worry was my constant companion, and stress and deep anxiety became a way of life. However, I learned different in Nar-anon and changed many of my own behaviors that contributed to addiction. I became healthy and a much happier person. I am sure my children would say I became a better Mom as well. A day at a time.
The addict today is alive and well. My fear that he would die from this disease never came to pass and I realized it was not my job to get him well. It was his. Through education and help from God and those who have traveled this road, I found hope. I remain in recovery and do my best to pass the message of hope to all families I possibly can through my own experience, strength and hope. Signed: A trusted servant