On September 13th at the 11:00 am Mass at Mary Queen of Peace Church (South Campus), we welcomed those who prepared to receive their Sacraments and full reception into the Catholic Church, but were unable to do so at the Easter Vigil due to Covid-19. We commend them for their extraordinary patience and perseverance!
We celebrate our new members who have now been fully received into the Catholic Church, we welcome you into our community with support and love, and we look forward to getting to know you as we worship with you!
Becky Campbell Brandon Herman David Scolastico Tracy Deremer Sophia Lapointe Haley Stuhlmiller Taylor Stuhlmiller
Do You Know Someone Curious About the Catholic Faith? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA, is a great way to have questions answered about the Catholic Faith, while learning about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus. Do you know someone seeking a relationship with God? Why not ask them if they would consider attending and learning more about our Catholic Community? For more information call Bonnie Barlow 893-8661 ext. 103 or email her at:
[email protected]