"In the Catholic tradition,
Passiontide calls for a heightened awareness of the Lenten sacrifice by covering the crucifixes, artwork, statues and other beautiful reflections of the faith throughout the church. This time is a visual reminder of many important elements regarding Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for humanity. Passiontide falls during the last two weeks of Lent and the images are covered in strict preparation for the Triduum, which consists of three days: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil. The veiling of the sacred images during Passiontide is a representation of the darkness without faith. Without the invisiblemade visible, the Incarnation and Christ’s Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection, there would be no saints, no Mass, no Christmas, no Easter, no feasts or celebrations. By shrouding the sacred images for these couple of weeks before Easter, we are encouraged to imagine the bleakness of a world without Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross and focus on the great gift of Life the Passion bestowed on humanity. At the Easter Vigil, the veils are removed and the sacred images revealed once again. New light and new life is brought intothe church to inspire new hope. Like so many traditions, the veiling of the images represents a connection between the temporal and eternal; life on earth, dim and clouded versus life in heaven with God and the saints, which is bright and beautiful.”