You and your family are invited to join us for this year’s evening of song, story and prayer as we prepare our hearts and homes to welcome the Child of Bethlehem, the very Light and Word of God. This year’s Advent Lessons and Carols will include the participation of the congregation in singing and praying the hymns and carols of this holy season with our parish choirs and musicians. So plan to take a few moments away from the rush and busyness of this hectic holiday season to join us on Friday evening, December 15. In the quiet light of Advent, refocus your spirit on the true joy of Christmas. Refreshment will be served in the Family Room following the service.
Would you be willing to assist the parish to continue to bring Christmas caroling to the residents of Salem that are not able to leave their homes? We are looking for someone to coordinate this wonderful event. It could be a coordinated effort of 2 or 3 people that would team up to share this responsibility. The tasks for the coordinator(s) would include: Gathering of contact information, - requestor, i.e. phone, address, any special needs. Advertising to gather carolers that would go singing. Distributing the song books. Organizing of refreshments for post caroling. Organizing the map – dividing up between north, south, and central Salem. Create a detailed map of the caroling route with the resident’s addresses. This is a one-time commitment. Help bring Christ’s joy to the holidays for shut-ins in our community!