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Is your marriage a cruise on the LOVE BOAT or on a TUG BOAT? Perhaps you feel you may have even run aground! We can give up chocolate for Lent, Facebook or even yelling at your kids. But perhaps instead, during these weeks of Lent we can take some time to examine our marriage... click here!
The Magi have returned to their country by another route, the Christmas lights are beginning to dim in the house windows at night and the days are straining to provide more light if not warmth to mother earth. These are called ordinary times in church calendars. But ...
After many years of faithful service, our ancient snow-blower went to the big driveway in the sky. The Knights immediately stepped in and purchased a new $1300.00 Ariens 28” Deluxe snow-blower for the St. Joseph campus and rectory. Their kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity is, as always, greatly appreciated!