Join us on Wednesday, March 20 at the Salem High School , 44 Geremonty Drive, Salem NH from 4:30 to 7 PM for the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce’s 10th Annual Health Fair. Many businesses and organizations will be available to share their product or services in the areas of health and wellness. Saints Mary and Joseph Parish will be in attendance focusing on Spiritual Wellness and the Power of Prayer.
Father Vincent will be on vacation for the month of February– leaving January 28 and returning March 5th. While he is away Monsignor Eddy Bisson has graciously agreed to cover all of the week end masses and Saturday confessions in February except February 23 & 24. Reverend Monsignor Richard J. Kelley will preside at all of the masses that weekend. Monsignor Bisson will also preside at the March 2 & 3 weekend Masses at both locations. Since there is no available priest to celebrate the daily mass, there will be no daily mass at St. Joseph Church. (There is daily mass at St. Matthews in Windham and at St. Anne’s in Hampstead for those who wish to attend.) While he is away, Father Vincent will privately celebrate all of the daily masses for the scheduled intentions. Thank you for your understanding!
Were you unable to attend mass on Sunday, January 20th due to the inclement weather? If so, please click on the title above to view the entire mass celebration at MQP on Saturday the 19th at 4:00 PM. And remember--you'll always have access to at least the last few months of weekend masses and homilies, located a little further down on our homepage!
Beginning January 13th we will be having a special children’s Mass on the 2nd Sunday of each month! Children will be taking on the roles of lectors, greeters, collectors, etc. Let us welcome and encourage their participation!!!
In an effort to call our young people forward in our community, Fr. Vincent has invited all high schoolers to participate in Mass as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Alter Servers, Greeters and Ushers. In order to make that happen, the current 6:30 Sunday evening Mass at St Josephs will become a 5:00pm Mass beginning January 6th with Love Out Loud High School Youth Group meeting to follow the Mass.