"Whatsoever you do to the least of my children, that you do unto me..." The Cor Unum Kitchen has been serving breakfast and dinner daily to the needy and less fortunate in the Lawrence MA area for more than 10 years. Click for more....
Atonement band is seeking new members for the 9:30 am Mass at Mary Queen of Peace! If you can sing, we could really use your voice!! Please contact Brenda [603-898-6803] for an audition. These are all volunteer positions! Thank You
The Honduran Mission Team has begun the process of getting ready for their 2020 trip! The team’s gift card sale has begun with orders accepted in October and again in November. You can order your holiday and birthday gift cards now! The forms are at the entrances of the churches.
“Our Lady of the Rosary — is credited with victory in a number of battles. Chief among these is the Battle of Lepanto (October 7, 1571), in which a Christian fleet defeated a superior Ottoman Muslim fleet. Click for more...
The 2020 Mass Intention Book will be OPEN on Thursday, November 14. Stop by the office or email : [email protected] with your requests. Click for more....
We are updating our parish database. Please email us at [email protected] so we will have your correct information. Be sure to include your name and address. Also, if you have a change of address, please notify the office with your correct information.
Keep the prayer, hold the applause . . . Our parish is blessed with many dedicated, talented singers and musicians who assist us in our prayer and praise. Their musical leadership and talent immeasurably enhance our Sunday encounter with God in word and sacrament. On many Sundays, our various music groups sing a Song of Thanksgiving or meditation piece after all have received Communion. This post-Communion piece is intended to create an atmosphere of prayer and thanksgiving for the Eucharist we have just received. Our music ministers would be the first to point out that these pieces are prayers, not performances. Please click for more...
The Honduran Mission Team has begun the process of getting ready for their 2020 trip! The annual Bake Sale held at Mack’s Orchard in Londonderry is Monday, October 14 (Columbus Day). Stop by to get some goodies and pick out your pumpkin at the same time!