We hope that you enjoyed the cheese and crackers after the 4:00 PM Mass at Mary Queen of Peace in the weeks prior to Lent. If you would like to see it continued, please let us know if you might be willing to help with this communal and social ministry, even for as little as just once per month. The tables would be set up prior to the mass, so it would only require serving the cheese and crackers and soda, then a very short cleanup after mass. If you'd like to participate, please contact David Thompson at 898-1217 for additional information.Thank you very much.
In an effort to have parishioners participate more fully in the weekend masses, we would like to invite those who have offered mass intentions to bring the gifts up for the Offertory. If you have scheduled a mass to be celebrated for a loved one, you may now sign up on the day of the mass or (preferably) earlier. A clipboard with dates and mass times will be at the main entrance at St. Joseph Church and in the Sacristy at Mary Queen of Peace Church. Simply check off the appropriate date and time so that we know you are planning to carry the gifts up to the priest. Please arrive ten minutes before the mass on the intentioned day and introduce yourself to one of the Mass Coordinators (those with green name badges) so that they know you are indeed present and participating. As the ushers/collectors begin to pass the offertory baskets, please proceed to the rear of the church, where someone will guide you through the very simple process. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and for your participation!
As a parish family, we enjoy fellowship in the Family Room downstairs at Saint Joseph Church. It is a hardship for some to go down the stairs. After much research we have found the best solution is a Wheelchair Lift, to assist those who need it. The Wheelchair Lift would come down the stairs from the outside doors that lead directly down to the Family Room. To access it, you would need to come out the side entrance of the church, go down the ramp and over to the glass doors. (The lift is also meant to be used by those with walkers, canes and other impediments!) It will enhance the use of the Family Room and give all a chance to participate in functions downstairs without impacting the use of the stairs. No definite date has been set for construction to begin, but we will continue to keep everyone updated on the status of the project.