KidsChurch, Children's Liturgy of the Word, and Coffee & Donuts will be taking a very well-deserved break for the months of July and August. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the programs in early September! Please take a few moments to enjoy the summer months, and to feel the love of God, the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
From Saints Mary and Joseph Parish and from Fr. Vincent--many thanks and blessings to and upon our faithful and dedicated Altar Servers, who were honored this weekend at all the masses by our friends and brothers in the Knights of Columbus. In addition to receiving their very spiffy-looking Certificates of Appreciation, all of our altar servers will also be treated to a free afternoon/evening of joy, fear, and excitement at Canobie Lake Park on Monday, August 19th, thanks (again) to the unending generosity of our knights.
The GRAND PRIZE DRAWING was held in the MQP Hall on Sunday the 23rd. Many slices of pie were served, and there were dozens of happy pie-eating winners. Many thanks to Diane Cormier and hubby Al, as well as all of the many other volunteers who who gave of their time and efforts to make this another successful parish community event. If you'd like to register for the the 2019-2020 Slice of the Pie drawings, just let Diane Cormier (603-893-4345) know if you're feeling lucky for the next round. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the parish, so even if you don't win, your parish still wins! Click for pics and winners.
We are now forming a committee to plan a Comedy Night for next February. Our first meeting was held on Thursday, June 27th in the St Joseph's Family Room. We hope that you would like to help us to plan the event, and welcome you and all of your ideas. Hope to see you soon at the next meeting, and we'll be sure to keep you posted!
Please lovingly welcome into our community your new brothers and sisters in Christ who have joined our parish, as well as those newly baptized into the faith. Please click to see who loves God.
Saint Joseph Regional Catholic School is offering a six-week summer sessions program for children ages 3-10. These include Crafts, Games, Music, Movement, and Outdoor Exploration. Each themed week is filled with fun, enriching activities including active time in the new playground and inside the air-conditioned gym. Please call the school office: 603-893-6811 for more information.
The latest Ultreya was held on Wednesday night, June 5th at St Julie Hall. Paul and Linda O'Reilly led the evening's activities, and there was also a special guest speaker, Jimmy Jones. If you have sponsored someone to live a Cursillo, you should make sure there is “follow-up” for the Cursillistas. One way is to bring them to an Ultreya (even those we had sponsored long ago}. The next Ultreya will be in October, when Cursillo weekends begin again.
Our annual Blessing of the Bikes was held on Saturday at our St. Joseph Church campus. Many bikes (and people) of all types were in attendance, and Fr. Vincent graciously sent down God's blessings upon all of the travelers. There was food and drink, games and festivities, laughter and camaraderie. Many thanks to the Lavoie family and the many volunteers who made this such a wonderful community event. And Paul Lavoie says: "next year, we roll!" So, stay tuned...