My name is Ana Cardenas, I am excited and so happy to be serving the parish community at Saints Mary and Joseph as the new Faith Formation Director. I live in Methuen, Mass. with my husband, three children and two dogs. For the past 17 years I have worked as the Dir. of Religious Education and Faith Formation at Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish in Lawrence, MA.
I love being part of a family of faith community where people are not just formed but trans formed. This fall we will be starting A Family of Faith Program by Sophia Institute Press. A Family of Faith was created to help develop strong Catholic families in which children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.
A Family of Faith is an alternative to CCD that encourages and equips parents to catechize their children. By attending two meetings a month, parents who participate will receive everything they need to teach their children about the Catholic faith at home.
We will be holding a Family meeting on Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 10:30am in the MQP Hall, for all those who are interested in A Family of Faith Program as well as for those who have children that will be pre paring for their Sacraments. If you have not registered you can certainly register on that day!
I am looking for to meeting you and your family as we kick off a new exciting year of walking and growing together in faith, a journey that strengthens our trust in God's plan.