Prayer is at the core of all we do!
Please join us every Tuesday as we pray with the Prayer Group for Human Dignity at St. Matthew's Parish in Windham, NH. The group meets after the 8:30am mass to pray the rosary followed by a short video and discussion in the parish hall.
The sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of that life is at the very core and foundation of Catholic social teaching. The Respect Life ministry promotes the respect and protection of God’s gift of life from conception until natural death.
We would love for you to join our group! Our monthly meetings can vary depending on the time of year so please reach out to Sara Kurczewski to learn when we meet next or with any questions you may have: [email protected]
GET INVOLVEDMy Faith Votes letter writing gathering to get the Prolife vote out in force for November 2022 elections
February 2023- the group sold valentines to raise money for Mother's Day gift bags and needed supplies at St. Gianna's Place and Birthright