We invite you to take a step in faith with our parish community as we have now begun our parish Stewardship Initiative. Stewardship is a complete lifestyle, a life of total
accountability and responsibility acknowledging God as Creator and Owner of all of the gifts we have been given. We express our gratitude for these gifts through prayer,
worship, sacrificial giving, and action by eagerly sharing these gifts out of love of God and
one another. Stewardship is based on the spiritual principles of the Old Testament and the
teachings of Jesus; and where it has been implemented, both givers' and receivers' lives
have been changed.
Our gifts of time, talent and resources are one way of saying:
“We belong to the Lord and to one another. “
Stewardship is an...
Act of Faith
We profess that we belong to God and all that we possess is His.
Act of Trust
We place our life in God's loving hands and make Him our treasure.
Act of Worship
We adore Him as the giver of all good gifts.
Act of Belonging
We unite our gifts with the rest of our Parish Family so that together we might care for
the needs of one another, especially the poor.
Stewardship is a way of life, a way of thanking God for all His blessings by returning a
portion of the talent, treasure and time allotted to us.
This week every registered parishioner will receive a Stewardship Commitment packet in
the mail with a listing of ministries available at our parish and an opportunity to make a
weekly sacrificial pledge to the Sunday Offertory. Please pray about this commitment and
return the Stewardship Commitment Form in the
weekly offertory or drop off at the parish office. If you prefer, you may instead use the online Commitment form to the left of this page.