Every Voice Counts

When I was a kid, I dreaded Palm Sunday Mass. It wasn’t because the Mass was a little longer than usual, nor was it because I am allergic to palms – I’m not. No, it was because I knew that the whole congregation would join in the reading of the...

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Let us enter this time…

As we journey through Lent, let us reflect on its penitential practices. Penance is not an end in itself, but rather a help to recognizing the difference between “things of this passing world” and those “that eternally endure” (Preface II of Lent); a help to “raising up our minds,” so...

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Reflection, Week of 3/6/16

Reflection 3-6-2016 You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. (Matt. 16:3) Now snow, now sun, now cold, now warmth; the changes come rapidly and are accepted as part of life because that’s what weather does. Our lives change...

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