“Scour the Bible!”–Weekly Reflection: 8/28/16

In 1806 Noah Webster published A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. It took Webster decadesof research to compile his dictionary. I wonder if little Noah had a fascination with words when he was very young. Did he ace all his spelling tests and annoyingly correct his friends’ grammar? I...

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Family Day of Service – Could you use a hand?

Do you have yardwork/housework or a small house project that you are unable to do that a family or two within our parish could help with? Or do you know someone we could help with raking, landscaping, planting, painting, cleaning, etc.? Do you know of any community organizations that could...

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“Saving Man”–Weekly Reflection: 8/14/16

“Saving man” During the German occupation of Poland during World War II, it was an open secret among the Jews of Warsaw that if anyone needed refuge, he or she could find it from the nun known as “Mamma.” Mother Matylda Getter and her community, the Franciscan Sisters of the...

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Fr John Visits

Fr. John will be coming to Salem Saturday August 20th in the early to mid-afternoon and will concelebrate the 4:15 at St. Joseph’s. Come by and say hello as he visits family and friends during his New England visit.

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