Ministry Nomination Form

Have you considered taking your faith to a new level by participating in the weekly celebration of mass as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, or other Minister of Hospitality? Do you feel that a fellow parishioner may have the gift to serve? Please fill out a Ministry Nomination Form found at...

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“Social Sins?” Weekly Reflection–9/18/16

SOCIAL SINS? In the first reading of today’s Liturgy of Word, the minor prophet Amos indicts the kings, priests, leaders and the wealthy of the northern kingdom, Israel, and challenges their hypocrisy and injustice. Amos, who was a sheepherder and lived in the southern kingdom of Judea, received his call...

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Laudato Si Class

The BC School of Theology and Ministry is offering an online course on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si whose subject is the environment and ecology. This online course begins on Sept. 21st and runs for four weeks till Oct. 25th. The cost is $25. The benefit of such a course...

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Collection for Retired Priests

Thank you for honoring our retired priests’ lives of service and devotion through your contributions to next week’s special collection, taken on behalf of the Priests Retirement Trust Fund. You can learn more about the Fund, or make a contribution online, at

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Quilt Raffle

The Sts. Mary and Joseph Quilters are again offering a quilt raffle to raise funds for our Church community. Tickets will be on sale this weekend at St. Joseph Church after all Masses, and September 24 & 25 at MQP Masses. For $1 you can purchase one chance or $5...

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Are you being called to Lector?

Lectors have the vital role of proclaiming the Word of God so that it comes alive for our church assembly. What better way to fulfill Jesus’ command to spread the Good News? Even if you are normally nervous in front of people in public, the Spirit of God will carry...

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Join us at the Parish Wide Welcome Summit!

Would you like to be a part of the ministries of hospitality at the weekly celebration of mass in God’s house? If you know how to smile and say “hello,” then you’re qualified. Welcoming your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ into our worship community is easy, enjoyable, and fulfilling....

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Father Tom Inverview

The Northeast province of the United States Jesuits recently interviewed Father Tom about the many ways in which Saints Mary and Joseph Parish exemplifies Jesuit ideals. Click here to read the interview.

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