Discovering Christ

Event details

  • Monday | September 19, 2016
  • 6:30 pm
  • Mary Queen of Peace - Hall

The seven week series leading to a deeper relationship with God through Jesus is offered again on Monday eve-nings at 6:30pm beginning September 19th. We will meet in the MQP Hall and each session with last about 2 hours. Attend one or all seven depending on your schedule. The themes of the sessions are:

Sept 19: What is the meaning of Life?
Sept 26: Why does Jesus matter?
Oct 3: What does Jesus want us to know?
Oct 10: Why do I need a Savior?
Oct 22: RETREAT—A Not to Miss Event! 10:30-2:00
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit and You.
Oct 24: New Life in the Spirit: Being a Catholic Disciple
Nov 7: Believing and Belonging: Our need for the Church

If you would like more info please contact Deacon David Costello at 560-4484 or Justine Dufour at the parish office 893-8661.