On Easter we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, God’s ultimate victory of life over death, good over evil, and love over hate. In rising from the dead, Jesus took up a “glorified” body, one beyond all suffering and decay, through which he experienced all possible joy. Jesus’ Resurrection to glory is God’s gift to him as well as God’s guarantee of our own destiny. It is invincible proof that God is a God of love, and that his divine plan for conquering evil through good can never be thwarted. The Resurrection is, however, more than a testimony to our final end. It is a proof also of God’s victorious power at work in our daily lives even—perhaps especially—in times that are darkest. Jesus’ Resurrection is inseparable from his passion. Hebrews tell us, “from what he suffered,” Jesus “was made perfect” and therefore “became the source of eternal salvation” (Heb 5:8-9). The suffering Jesus endured, and offered freely to his Father for our sake, transformed him and is now in the process of transforming us who follow him. For us who open their hearts and minds to the powerful workings of God’s Spirit, our daily trials become a source of divine transformation for us, and our transformation makes us more and more a source of grace for those who are dear to us and for all to whom God sends us. Thus, on Easter we celebrate not only the greatest event of the past, but the greatest and most transforming reality of the present.
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