Our loving God is with us every second and every minute of every day. He never leaves us, and we should never leave Him. As such, we ask that you please consider making your offertory donations online so that whether we have a snowy winter, you go on vacation, you are a snowbird, or you are simply too busy with the kids’ sports or school activities, the parish will still be able to cover its monthly bills. We know that your intentions are pure, and that you truly wish “to give freely and generously to the Lord, for the Lord your God shall bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings” (Deuteronomy 15:10). There are two options for giving online: you may sign-up through Parish Pay or through Seamless Donations. Parish Pay uses a direct debit from your bank account orĀ your credit card, and Seamless Donations works similarly by using the PayPal service. Both online programs can be set to recur each week, each month, or annually, and also offer one-time gifting or special-pledge payment options. As a courtesy, if you decide to give online, please email the office (finance@saintsmaryandjoseph.org) to cancel your quarterly envelope mail outs. Also, should it be of a concern to you, there are always small “I Give Electronically” cards available in the vestibule for you to place into the collection basket at the offertory. We thank you so very much for your generosity.
Click here to learn about our parish Memorial and Tribute Giving Program
To give through Parish Pay please click the green button below.
Simply enter 03079 in the zip code area and you will be directed to Saints Mary and Joseph Parish.
To give through Seamless Donations please complete this form: