We have now entered the “Easter Season,” and will be reading over the next six weeks from the book of Acts. The Easter readings describe the remarkable response made by the first disciples to the graces of the Resurrection, and of the Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Today, at the beginning of Easter Season, we hear how the disciples’ new life influenced their use of material possessions: “Those who owned property or houses would sell them, and bring the proceeds to the apostles for distribution to each according to need” (Acts 4:34-35). This is a dramatic fulfillment of that hard saying of Jesus, “Sell everything and give to the poor, then come follow me” (Mt 19:21). The saying does not seem hard for the disciples, however. They are excited to sell their possessions and offer them to God for the building up of his Kingdom! Of us, God will not likely ask the sale all our possessions, but will certainly provide opportunities by which we can use our possessions to build up his Kingdom. Whatever we give to God, we give as an expression of gratitude for all he does for us. Giving is also an act of faith in the God who promises to repay our generosity “a hundredfold” (Mt 19:29). In our parish, to emphasize the intimacy in an act of giving to God, we will now be by passing hand-to-hand the offertory baskets, and will express our gratitude to God through a prayer offered by the priest at the beginning of the offertory. -Fr. Tom Frink
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