Dear Parishioners of Saints Mary and Joseph Parish:

The following is our parish financial report for the period from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. I would like to thank you for your generous support of our parish and its ministries (50 of which are listed in the “Welcome Booklet,” available on our website’s Home Page). Among the “different forms of service to the same Lord” (1 Cor 12:5), financial giving is undoubtedly a form of service invaluable for the building up of God’s Kingdom here in Salem. You will note in the report that our expenses exceeded our budget. We are currently in the process of restructuring our staff that we might be better stewards of your donations, but also, and just as importantly, that we might respond even more effectively to the mission of evangelization that Pope Francis put forth in The Joy of the Gospel, his “program” for the Church (JG, #25). Of the directives the Pope gives us as Catholics, the first two are: (1) “to inflame the hearts of the faithful who regularly gather on the Lord’s Day,” and (2) to seek those who “no longer experience the consolation born of faith, and help restore the joy of faith to their hearts” (JG, #14!15). We can be certain that God has great plans in this coming year for each of us and for our parish, and through us, for the town of Salem (after all, if this were not so, God would not be God). We can also be certain that God has given us, who are “many parts, yet one body” (1 Cor 12:5), all we need to carry out His will. Let us pray with expectant hope for the renewal of our lives, our parish, and our town of Salem! Fr. Tom

July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 Operating Revenue and Expenditures

Revenue: Actual:
Offertory 763,761.79
Fundraising 38,953.00
Donations 57,489.57
All Other Revenues 101,713.40
Total revenue 961,917.76

Salary/Benefits 309,323.98
Religious Education 134,504.18
Supplies 59,629.81
Contracted Services 27,495.17
Repairs & Maintenance 54,423.46
Insurance 39,528.00
Diocese Assessments 205,637.71
Other Diocesan Collections 32,333.91
All Other Expenses 100,136.70
St. Joseph School Roof 10,000.00
Total Expenditures 973,012.92
Total Net Loss -15,277.08
June 30, 2015 Cash Assets and Liabilities

Cash Assets:
Cash (Operating) 21,713.89
Cash (Savings) 172,624.95
Total Cash Balances 194,338.84

Salaries to Jesuits 28,000.00
Other Diocesan Assessments 12,000.00
Total Liabilities: 40,000.00
Fund Balance: 154,338.84