One purpose is UNITY! The Trinity Illustrates for us what unity is all about and invites us to unite.
Jesus tells us that He and the Father are one (John 10:30)…. and that when we see Him, we see the Father. (John 14:9) Jesus is all about expressing who the Father is and doing what the Father wants. Unity means putting aside his wants for the sake of the Father’s Will. Such unity requires Trust, Sacrifice and Love… This unity is so powerful that it cannot be self-contained and so we have the Spirit, that life-giving and transformative force of their Union.
What if we sought to be part of that Union? What if we were all about expressing who the Father is and doing what the Father wants? What if we trusted, sacrificed what we wanted for the sake of the Father’s Will, and lived God’s Love?
Consider the early Church…. They were of one heart and mind and thousands were joining them! Many wonders and signs were being done! Why?
Their unity with God and each other was so powerful that it could not be contained! The life-giving and transformative Holy Spirit was able to do AMAZING things because of their union! God wants to do AMAZING things here… POWERFUL and TRANSFORMATIVE and LIFE-GIVING things!
We could be like the early Church: being of one heart and mind, in union with God and each other… expressing who God is in thoughts, words and deeds putting aside our wants for the sake of God’s Will… and then… stand back and watch what God does!
What will you do to become more united with God and each other?
-Sue Levesque