A friend of mine recently commented that she hopes her son “grows up in a world of flowers” rather
than violence. Our world desperately needs to know where to find hope! Where can we find the way to peace, the way to build a world of love and compassion and mercy? My response to my friend was:
“I know where to find the answer!”
Why do we come to Mass?
Is it that we have a sense that Jesus is the answer?
Is it that maybe we think He really meant it when He said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life?
Is it that we somehow believe that He really is the Light that shines in the darkness?
If so, then we have the grace-filled opportunity to let others in on the ‘secret’! In our next conversation about the state of our world, what if we just threw out the comment “I know where to find the answer!”
Yes, I know, as a church we aren’t perfect…we’re not totally living the Way of Jesus…but we gather each week saying at least that we’ll entertain the notion that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In the midst of the darkness of this world, isn’t this the place in which to immerse and surround ourselves and our children?
Let’s invite others to join us in entertaining that notion and together we can take the next step in finding hope…
in finding the Way…
in taking His Light into the darkness!
-Sue Levesque