Advent and Christmas Seminars Announced

Our parish will host 3 separate weekly sessions for this year’s Advent/Christmas seminar. Each has 6 sessions; 4 for Advent and 2 for Christmas. The sessions at MQP will not include the Activities unless requested. This is to accommodate those persons who like traditional discussion sessions only. Both of the...

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New Abba’s Hands Prayer Ministry

Saints Mary and Joseph Parish has begun a new prayer ministry called “Abba’s Hands” For anyone who would like prayer for any reason please join Deb Carney in the Abba’s Hands Prayer Room in the lobby of Mary Queen of Peace after the 9:30 Family Mass or Sandy Lemay after the...

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Easter Celebrated

The Easter Season celebrates our Lord’s Resurrection and the Lord’s triumph over evil and death. The sea-son begins with Easter Sunday and concludes with the Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost, along with the feasts of Pass-over & Tabernacles were the three major feasts of the Jewish liturgical year. All male Israelites...

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Every Voice Counts

When I was a kid, I dreaded Palm Sunday Mass. It wasn’t because the Mass was a little longer than usual, nor was it because I am allergic to palms – I’m not. No, it was because I knew that the whole congregation would join in the reading of the...

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Let us enter this time…

As we journey through Lent, let us reflect on its penitential practices. Penance is not an end in itself, but rather a help to recognizing the difference between “things of this passing world” and those “that eternally endure” (Preface II of Lent); a help to “raising up our minds,” so...

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