Reflection, Week of 3/6/16

Reflection 3-6-2016 You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. (Matt. 16:3) Now snow, now sun, now cold, now warmth; the changes come rapidly and are accepted as part of life because that’s what weather does. Our lives change...

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Wednesday, February 10th is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten Season. This is the earliest date for the celebration of Ash Wednesday and Lent which are dependent on the date of the Feast of Easter which is a moveable feast as Our Lord rose from the dead on the...

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We are one in Christian Unity

This weekend marks the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Church Unity Octave, the original name, became an observance in the church in 1916 with Pope Pius X giving his blessing. It’s a great observance because it invites us to look at how Christ UNITES us. I...

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Reflection 11-29-15 What if? What if… this Advent we were to “increase & abound in love for one another?” (1 Thessalonians 3:12) What if… this was your BEST ADVENT EVER?! What if… we fed the hungry? What if… we stopped ourselves from gossiping at the office? What if… we smiled...

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Be the Servant of All

Beginning today, our homily theme is “acquisitiveness,” or “keeping up with the Joneses,” illustrated by a child’s tendency to want another child’s toy, even amidst a sea of toys. This played out recently among children of our parish, who fought over a “special” toy until it was confiscated! We chuckle,...

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Are You Fruitful?

Today’s second reading from St. James tells us that God’s wisdom is pure, and is full of good fruits and righteousness that are sown in peace. It is gentle and merciful. We are then cautioned that the conflicts and wars in our lives come not from God, but from our...

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