Is the Holy Spirit called "He" or "She"? by Fr. John

The question of the Holy Spirit is an interesting one. In Hebrew, the term “ruah,” which means wind or spirit, is feminine. The spirit or breath of God stirred the waters at creation. In the wisdom books of the Old Testament (Proverbs, Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon), they speak of Lady...

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The Season of Lent

On Wednesday we begin the season of Lent, our 40 daypreparation for the memorial of Christ’s Passion on Holy Thursday and Good Friday, and for the celebration of his resurrection on Easter Sunday. The story of Christ’s death, like any story, requires time for the telling, 40 days in this case. Thestory begins on Ash Wednesday with the reminder that salvationexists only because God “made him...

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Why "Explore" our Catholic Faith?

Why “explore” the Catholic faith? A person either “believes” or he doesn’t! Actually, faith begins with belief, the belief that Jesus’ words are true and that they are spoken to me personally, but my faith matures over time until the promises of Jesus are fulfilled in me: “Ask and you...

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