“Alive, alive, alive forevermore! My Jesus is alive…” These are the familiar words of the song that we frequently sing, usually in church and led by Brenda and her musical group. The question is: Are we really alive? Usually we say “yes” to that if our BP is within range, our blood sugar is normal and our heart is healthy. For the younger crowd, the criteria seems to depend on how much “fun” they had that week. In our scripture readings this Sunday, there are at least two people who were dead and their bodies were brought back to life but were they more fully alive than their mothers? I would venture to say that the mothers were full of joy and on cloud nine! Their resurrected children, most likely, had the attitude: “What’s the big deal… I was just sleeping!” In the 2nd reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, St. Paul confesses how radical he was in becoming steeped in Judaism and even becoming so zealous that he tried to destroy anything associated with Jesus and His teachings. Paul thought he was alive and on the
right track until God “was pleased to reveal his Son to him” on the road. It was then that Paul became fully alive…when the Holy Spirit removed the scales from his eyes and he knew the Risen Lord intimately.
right track until God “was pleased to reveal his Son to him” on the road. It was then that Paul became fully alive…when the Holy Spirit removed the scales from his eyes and he knew the Risen Lord intimately.
Our whole world has a need to come alive and realize that, without the Lord actively working in them through the Holy Spirit, they are just barely living. Jesus came that we might have ABUNDANT life and he wants us to experience it so that we can share it with others. Living life as a fully alive human being is contagious! Others see you and want the same thing you have and, then, you can share Jesus, the Risen Lord with them and they too can come alive!! Don’t sell the Holy Spirit short…the Holy Spirit can use the least one among us to raise others to New Life! Alive, alive, alive forevermore. My Jesus is alive, alive forevermore!
–Deacon David Costello