Shared Meal Ministry

The mission of the Shared Meal Ministry is to help individuals and families in the Greater Salem Area who need temporary care and could benefit from a meal being brought to their home. We would help those who are just home from having a baby, under-going chemo, surgery post-op, etc....

Cursillo & Ultreya

Cursillo is a virtual mini-course in Christianity, giving those who make it a new understanding of basic Christian truths and a renewed desire to serve the church. A Cursillo Weekend is an encounter with Christ. You will come to know Him with your mind and your heart and become aware...

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Prayer Breakfast The Men’s Prayer Breakfasts are held in St. Julie Hall at St. Joseph Church, Salem, NH. Coffee is ready at 7:30, a delicious breakfast is at 8:00 and you’re on your way at 9:30. The cost is whatever you feel like dropping in the basket. All are...

Prayer Shawl

Volunteers of the Prayer Shawl Ministry meet monthly to work on shawls and lap robes for people in need of prayer, comfort, and healing. We share patterns and chat as we work, while maintaining a prayerful awareness of those for whom we labor. Most of our work is done at...

Bible Study

FAITH, FELLOWSHIP, and FUN summarize our Tuesday morning Bible Study at MQP. We gather in the Emmaus room at 10am where we “break open” the scriptures. Using Catholic scripture guides, we look at the times and traditions that helped form the New testament and our apostolic faith. We also share...


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of faith discovery and formation for adults thinking of joining the Catholic Church. Inquiry sessions begin in September with informal weekly meetings involving no commitment. Participants learn about Catholic life and teachings, explore the riches of the Bible, and...

Prayer Line

Do you like to pray or do you know someone who does? We have faith that God really listens to the intercessors of the Saints May and Joseph Parish Prayer Line. Join a faith-filled team and help others to deepen their trust in God’s love and mercy. Intercessors pray regularly...

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration, before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar, transports us into sacred time and space, and brings marvelous blessings to individuals and communities. During adoration, worshipers meditate on Scripture, reflect on spiritual writings, pray the Rosary—and even sing and dance before God (when alone!). Some worshipers just sit...

Community Breakfast

Michael Petrilli 603-893-4784


First Fridays Devotion: In 1675, Our Lord appeared “out of a monstrance” to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, promising to grant the grace of repentance at their last hour to those who honor Jesus’ Sacred Heart by the reception of Holy Communion on nine consecutive first Fridays. First Friday masses are...