Below is the parish financial report for fiscal year 2015—2016. Although we continue to run at a deficit, we have cut expenses over the past year by reducing the costs of both payroll and maintenance. Also, we are selling property to further reduce expenses.
Despite reductions, the staff, along with generous volunteers, continue the mission of the Church here in Salem with creative programs like: KidsChurch for infants and preschoolers; our parish concert at The Field of Dreams, through which we brought the Gospel message beyond the boundaries of our churches; a collaboration with the public schools to aid students who lack adequate food and clothing; our new Family Faith Formation program that collaborates with parents to instill Gospel values in our young people; a new Youth Center (former preschool) with added youth groups for students from grades three through high school.
Pope Francis reminds us that our call as disciples of Jesus is to make a difference in the lives of all those around us. In the coming year, please prayerfully consider how God might be calling you to help build up our parish. In whatever way God calls you to contribute, be it with time, talent, or treasure, he is certainly inviting you to play a role in his plan for making his Kingdom ever more present in Salem.
-Fr. Tom
July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016 Operating Revenue and Expenditures
Revenue: Actual:
Offertory $726,318.95
Fundraising 23,760.85
Donations 57,023.91
Other 63,878.93
Total Revenue: $870,989.62
Salary/Benefits $367,184.71
Religious Education 112,178.42
Supplies 67,734.63
Contracted Services 25,097.58
Repairs & Maintenance 46,325.84
Insurance 39,780.00
Diocese Assessments 193,207.21
All Other Expenses 107,296.48
Major Expenses:
New Roof St. Joseph School 15,000.00
Repairs St. Joseph Church 8,793.00
Convent Appraisal 2,200.00
Total Expenditures: $984,797.87
Total Net Loss: ($113,808.25)