Come Learn about Jesus with your family at Saints Mary and Joseph Parish
What’s Happening at Kid’s Church?Jesus Is Our Sweetheart! ~A sweet friendship refreshes the soul~ Proverbs 27:9 February 5th: Salt And Light (Love Always Hopes) February 12th: A Letter From Paul (Love Never Ends) February 19th: Peter And John (Love Is Kind) February 26th: Damascus Road (Love Always Perseveres) |
Toddler Time with Jesus Comes to Kid’s ChurchOur pre-school ministry continues to grow!!! To minister more effectively we are providing another service This ministry offers sensory play, music and We welcome Sherri Randall, our new We are always in need of more volunteers |
At Saints Mary and Joseph Parish little kids are a BIG DEAL! We have created an environment for worship that’s appealing to grandparents, parents and kids of all ages. Mass is time we give to God and we want to introduce your children to God in an age appropriate environment. We offer three programs at the Mary Queen of Peace campus which will coincide with the 9:30am Sunday mass. Here children can learn to worship while providing parents with a breather so they feel freer to worship.
- Our Toddler Time with Jesus program, located in Room 2, is open to children ages one and two. Our goal in this program is to make sure our children know that church is a place where they feel loved. We will be singing songs, telling bible stories and shaping the message around the weekly readings and gospel. We will provide a clean and safe worship environment for your children along with age appropriate toys. Please bring any personal comfort items your child may need. We welcome Sherri Randall, our new co-director of “Toddler Tim with Jesus” as she joins our team of Kidschurch co-directors.
- Our Preschool program, located in Room 3, Our Preschool program, is open to children ages three, four and five. There is a monthly theme, based upon the weekly Gospel messages. A typical morning in our Preschool program: Upon arrival, the children become engaged in several sensory activity centers with their friends, gather together for an opening prayer circle time, move and sing to praise and worship songs, participate in a “hands on” object lesson experience, as a way to introduce the weekly Gospel message, act out the Bible story for that particular week, create a craft which reinforces the weekly Bible story and message. Each week is filled with faith, fun and love! Our goal for the preschool program is to grow, learn, and worship together in Jesus!.
- Our Liturgy of the Word program is for elementary school aged children and is located in the Emmaus Room. These participants begin mass with their families, are dismissed prior to the first reading for their program and then return to mass at the offertory. Our goal in this program is to bring the Bible stories to life for your children and make them relevant in their daily lives. Again, the readings are based on the lectionary and the message is consistent with the homily so parents and their children can share a common church experience. Note: Liturgy of the Word is also offered at the 11:00am mass at Saint Joseph’s Church.
Toddler and Preschool Programs drop off between 9:15 and 9:30 and pick up after mass.
All programs will have at least 2 adult volunteers along with teenage helpers if needed.
All volunteers have the necessary CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information)
background checks and participate in the diocesan Protecting God’s Children TM Program.
Want to Donate? We’re looking for good quality; gently used children’s toys and gear like pack n plays or entrance gates.
Please bring to Mary Queen of Peace office.
Want to Volunteer? Please call our parish office at 603-893-8661 and ask for Sue Levesque
It’s really ok to have fun in church!*
*Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter by Michael White
What are parents saying about KidsChurch!
“The kids heard the church bells ringing and they were saying that they didn’t want to be late for KidsChurch!”
“My child just loved sitting in the whale and couldn’t stop talking about it all week.”
“My child asks on Thursday if it is the day for KidsChurch!”
Dawn Pavlini – Director of Kids Church
Dawn holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education. She has been a state certified educator in Catholic Schools for 16 years and is a Diocesan certified Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE). Dawn has been a member of a Parish staff as the Catechetical Leader of the Confirmation Program....
Kids Church Fun!
St. Patrick Visited Kids Church Open House after Mass
Kids Church Activities