Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

The Men’s Prayer Breakfasts are held in St. Julie Hall at St. Joseph Church, Salem, NH. Coffee is ready at 7:30, a delicious breakfast is at 8:00 and you’re on your way at 9:30. The cost is whatever you feel like dropping in the basket. All are welcome, no need to tell us you’re coming — just set your alarm and head on over.

Remember – if you enjoy these breakfasts, spread the word – invite a friend.


We are very ordinary men, mostly Roman Catholic, and mostly from St. Joseph Church campus of Saints Mary and Joseph Parish, but also representing the surrounding Catholic parishes and other Christian denominations. We are not particularly good, or pious, or gifted, but are brought together by a common desire to support, and be supported by, other Christian men. We are in many different places in our journey of faith. Be assured that wherever you are, you will fit right in.


  • Men don’t typically get much encouragement for their faith in their work or social environments.
  • The Vision of the Men’s Prayer Breakfast is to: provide an opportunity for Christian men to gather for fellowship, for encouragement in our walk with Christ, to foster prayer together, and to reach out to the larger community with the message of the Gospel.
  • “To feel the Spirit; to socialize. When I leave, I feel uplifted and good.”
  • “Because of the fellowship, food, evangelization; to take time for God.”
  • “To enjoy a prayer community and to be exposed to the faith of others.”
  • “Spiritually uplifting – great relationships – super breakfast atmosphere”
  • “It is an encouragement for my faith to come and share prayers and experiences.”
  • “In order to worship the Lord with other men of faith. There aren’t too many places you can go socially where the reason people gather is their faith in Jesus Christ.”
  • “To continue to be involved in prayer and getting people to pray.”
  • “For some food for thought. Speakers can give you another angle or way to look at your faith. To share our faith. We do not usually get a chance in day-to-day life to socialize with others who openly share our beliefs.”
  • “I like the group; they are nice people. A sense of belonging to a community. To strengthen my faith, by being with other men who believe.”



We chat, we sing, we eat, we pray, we listen, we teach, we learn …

A typical breakfast goes like this:

7:30-8 Arrive, meet friends, have coffee or juice
8:00 Opening remarks and song, blessing, and breakfast
8:40 Song, followed by a service of prayer, or readings, or group discussion, or shared thoughts, led by one of us
9:00 Speaker or other program
9:25 Announcements, closing remarks, the Lord’s Prayer

We try to be done at 9:30, since Saturday is a busy day for most men.
We have quite a variety of speakers and topics. Here are some examples from recent years:


Peter Klecan Experience of God’s power
Clem Clare My faith journey
Charlie & Joan Espinola Our transformation into pro-life activists
Dn. Marc Payeur God’s presence in my life
Fr. Gerry Belanger Role of lay men in the church
Chuck Dandreta Men of St. Joseph, and my personal journey
Charlie Wheeler & Charlie Espinola What is Bereavement Ministry
Jason Amiss Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Lee Alphen Mexican water project
Denise Cannon Ministering in Honduras
Tom Garnier How faith should inform our choices
Fr. Bob Guillemette My work at Covenant House
Al Cormier Family life, Red Sox, Catholic Church, camping and Easter
Fr. John Michalowski Evangelization: “Be ready to give an account …”
Bill Richards Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults



No reservation is necessary – just show up between 7:30 and 8:00 am at St. Julie Hall. The church and school complex is located at 40 Main Street.
We meet on the last Saturday of most months. Exceptions are holiday weekends, when we sometimes reschedule to avoid the holiday, special Family breakfasts to celebrate liturgical seasons (Advent, for example), and the summer months.

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That’s a lot of exceptions. If you’d like to confirm the date beforehand, please call Dick or Tom Garnier. We hope to see you there!

Contact Tom Garnier 898-3536 or Dick Collopy 603-898-7020