Honduras Mission

Honduran Mission Team 2013

In February of 2013 a team of 30 visited and worked with Padre Donohue in Juticalpa, Honduras. Our week was filled with health clinics, visits to neighboring communities, playing with the very young, passing out all the supplies that we have raised (3750 pounds) and taking the time to give love to the children in the nearby orphanage. Please keep the team in your prayers.


Honduras Mission:
As one person, I cannot change the world, but I can change the world for one person.” Each year, a team of volunteers makes a ten day trip to Juticalpa, Honduras, carrying much-needed supplies and devoting themselves to work among the poor in schools and local communities. The type of work varies year by year, based on present need and volunteer skills, and is done under the auspices of the Olancho Aid Foundation, run by a missionary priest from Boston. Prior to the trip, volunteers collaborate in raising money and gathering supplies. Our hope is that team members will find profound rewards as they extend their hands and hearts to God’s children in Honduras.

Honduran Mission Team 2015
Our trip was amazing, amazing with the talents and love of the team and the generosity of the people of Sts Mary and Joseph helping us and praying for us along the way. We painted a church inside and out, washed heads in one of the poorer villages, played with the kids in the orphanage, visited schools and helped to judge a science fair and we witnessed Padre finally getting back to celebrating mass again. So many prayers answered. Thanks to you all!

Contact Denise Cannon 603-893-8661