Mexico Mission

In a little village in the mountains of Southern Mexico lives a family that was Baptized here as members of St Joseph Parish in 1998. It is now too expensive for them to get visas to come to work in the United Sates. So, we, their brothers and sisters in...

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning – Fertility Care for Contemporary Couples includes a variety of methods that assist couples either to avoid pregnancy or to achieve it. Women with reproductive disorders benefit from the diagnostic value of tracking fertility indicators. These methods are chemical free and medically safe, inexpensive, and do not...

Quilt Ministry

The Saints Mary and Joseph Quilters meet in St. Julie Hall every Tuesday from 12:30 – 3:30pm. All are welcome to make quilts to warm the hearts and bodies of those in need . Since its inception in October 2008 , the group has supplied over 40 quilts to Lazarus...

Christian Service

The Christian Service committee reaches out to those in financial need by providing financial assistance for food, housing, fuel, and transportation. We work cooperatively with other Salem agencies in providing Thanksgiving food baskets for families and Christmas gifts for children. Our fund is supported financially by concerned parishioners, area schools,...

Catholic Citizenship

Our Faithful Citizenship ministry seeks to raise the community’s awareness of their responsibility regarding social justice issues. Using the USCCB’s Guidelines for Faithful Citizenship, we encourage church members to become active in taking a stand on issues of Life, family,sexuality, our responsibility to and solidarity with the poor, and to...

Food Pantry

You can bring items to the Parish Office anytime during open hours: 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thu, Fri 9:00am-12:30pm. You can also leave items at the Church exits at Mass times. Thank you for helping your neighbors in need. Food Pantry Needs (NO Expired Items!) Beef stew Boxed potatoes Canned green beans Canned...

Honduras Mission

Honduran Mission Team 2013 In February of 2013 a team of 30 visited and worked with Padre Donohue in Juticalpa, Honduras. Our week was filled with health clinics, visits to neighboring communities, playing with the very young, passing out all the supplies that we have raised (3750 pounds) and taking...

Knights of Columbus

The Bishop Peterson Council 4442 of the Knights of Columbus  was founded in June 10, 1957, by 62 Catholic gentlemen from the Salem Catholic community.  Today our council is 250 strong, serving Saints Mary and Joseph Parish in Faith, Family, and Fraternity.  Our participation in activities such as the parish...

Community Outreach

Outreach volunteers connect the sick and homebound to their faith community by regular visits and by offering the gift of Holy Communion. The homebound and volunteers all experience the presence of God in these encounters. At Easter and Thanksgiving volunteer families share their holiday joy by assembling food baskets for...

Salem Haven

Salemhaven Volunteers assist with Salemhaven masses and communion services, which held weekly for residents and for clients of Silverthorne Adult Day Care. Family and friends often participate in the services as well. The services are a blessing for the residents, since many cannot attend regular church services due to their...