Honduras Mission

Honduran Mission Team 2013 In February of 2013 a team of 30 visited and worked with Padre Donohue in Juticalpa, Honduras. Our week was filled with health clinics, visits to neighboring communities, playing with the very young, passing out all the supplies that we have raised (3750 pounds) and taking...

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Food Pantry

You can bring items to the Parish Office anytime during open hours: 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thu, Fri 9:00am-12:30pm. You can also leave items at the Church exits at Mass times. Thank you for helping your neighbors in need. Food Pantry Needs (NO Expired Items!) Beef stew Boxed potatoes Canned green beans Canned...

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First Fridays Devotion: In 1675, Our Lord appeared “out of a monstrance” to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, promising to grant the grace of repentance at their last hour to those who honor Jesus’ Sacred Heart by the reception of Holy Communion on nine consecutive first Fridays. First Friday masses are...

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Catholic Citizenship

Our Faithful Citizenship ministry seeks to raise the community’s awareness of their responsibility regarding social justice issues. Using the USCCB’s Guidelines for Faithful Citizenship, we encourage church members to become active in taking a stand on issues of Life, family,sexuality, our responsibility to and solidarity with the poor, and to...

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Christian Service

The Christian Service committee reaches out to those in financial need by providing financial assistance for food, housing, fuel, and transportation. We work cooperatively with other Salem agencies in providing Thanksgiving food baskets for families and Christmas gifts for children. Our fund is supported financially by concerned parishioners, area schools,...

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Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration, before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar, transports us into sacred time and space, and brings marvelous blessings to individuals and communities. During adoration, worshipers meditate on Scripture, reflect on spiritual writings, pray the Rosary—and even sing and dance before God (when alone!). Some worshipers just sit...

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Quilt Ministry

The Saints Mary and Joseph Quilters meet in St. Julie Hall every Tuesday from 12:30 – 3:30pm. All are welcome to make quilts to warm the hearts and bodies of those in need . Since its inception in October 2008 , the group has supplied over 40 quilts to Lazarus...

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Prayer Line

Do you like to pray or do you know someone who does? We have faith that God really listens to the intercessors of the Saints May and Joseph Parish Prayer Line. Join a faith-filled team and help others to deepen their trust in God’s love and mercy. Intercessors pray regularly...

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The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of faith discovery and formation for adults thinking of joining the Catholic Church. Inquiry sessions begin in September with informal weekly meetings involving no commitment. Participants learn about Catholic life and teachings, explore the riches of the Bible, and...

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